
Turn The Light On

Turn the Light On S. Ambrose, 2024 He said I can't see the light But don't have enough fight In me to look for it.  Treading dark waters day after day Has left me with nothing to pray. Is there a switch hidden somewhere within a stitch of my being? What's blocking me from seeing - My lighthouse? She said I can't see my light But others around me shine bright. Whatever shades the rays of my soul Keeps me trapped in a deep, dark hole. I'm too exhausted to look for the light switch in my being. What's blocking me from seeing- My lighthouse? They said We can't see our light,  Don't know what's wrong or right. In a culture of love, I'm blind.  Just feel confusion that doesn't align With creation's creativity. What's blocking my me from seeing- My lighthouse? Truth says Maybe you aren't electricity Bur rather your intricacies Were fashioned by a God who said,  "Let there be light,  I'll take your fight." To see it, you mus

Slow Fade

 Slow Fade S. Ambrose, 2024 Grieving the breathing can look like dying petals  Falling from a sympathy bouquet. Scattered, Unable to find its graveside casket to lay upon. Senselessly, connections wither away. 

Growing Pains

 Growing Pains S. Ambrose, 2024 Whether for a moment or a lifetime, you were important to my story. 💫 Strength Outgrew Regret💫 In seasons of survival, I never stopped trying. Sometimes distance makes people  become strangers. 💫 Faith outgrew comfort💫 Treasured people ended up being counterfeit connections that require change. 💫 Self love Outgrew Excuses💫  

Grandma's Rug

Grandma's Rug S. Ambrose, 2024 Remember Sunday afternoon in the basement of make believe,  A place I've had to let go and  grieve. While we played,  upstairs  adult hearts tore apart Wearing masks to  play  their dictated part.  Afraid of vulnerability, their feelings fell down,  Slid their way under and around The corner of  Grandma's rug. Year after year, I wondered who  would care. Were there Smiles across our  miles? Was reunion reserved only  for church aisles? Our family  neatly filled up a pew,  But no one really knew How far apart our  hearts sat. Now, there are empty chairs around our table That make family feel like a lost fable. The worn rug sits high, creeks with heartbreak and sigh,  Filled with unspoken words of  shame and judgment,   Grandma's rug is in need  of repair and a loving  adjustment. It swells with anger never addressed and  hard to digest. It's become a  mat of meaningless memories. No one calls to say hello anymore, Life isn't as it w


 Teeter-Totter S. Ambrose, 2024 It's hard for people to balance More than one connection at a time If they can't control their own mind. Hanging on to disconnected familiarity Is like being alone-stuck on the ground- On the teeter totter of waiting around. Push up! See past the empty seat. Push up! Until you let go. Look out! See where new things can grow. 


Outgrew  Shelly Ambrose, 2024 When I was young,  you greeted me in a way That made me feel loved and completely seen. As I aged, you made me feel like I was in the way, Love was conditional and I shouldn't be seen. My human nature had to die As good appearances became the only goal. Time ticked, ticked quickly by, You never tried to see into my soul. You prayed with hands wide open, Yet tightly  closed yours to me- Ok with what remained broken While I picked up the debris, Left behind from your superficial circus. I held on to pieces of hope and walked into My meaningful, authentic purpose. So many milestones, where were you? You celebrated and reached out To my friends but not to  me. Cold communication's sprout Taught me how to bloom free. My extended family died On the day the casket lid closed. It's been an emotional, eye opening  ride,  Many  hidden personalities became exposed. Resilience and Focus Rose up  from my core. I looked around, took notice Of those who h

The Detour

You are not  alone on this winding road No matter what lies you’ve been told. The path will be hard, not in a straight line So- I’ll take your hand, will you take mine? When you reach a resting spot, look up and around. Take in a breath— Listen to every sound. Breathe out— look how far you've come. Your heart’s beating hope with all its drum. Take a moment -or -two,  restore,  heal, Breathe in –and out,  In— and out Breathe In— and out,  it’s OK to feel. Don’t dwell in the valley for too long Because the mountain is singing your song. The journey’s  cruel doesn’t play nice,  Your heart may burn and try to become ice. But You’re still here – take your mark. There’s a light within your dark Trying to break through, Embrace you - becoming you. This will be your hardest fight. Hold my hand, hold it tight. S. Ambrose, 2024 Rewritten from between your mountaintops