Turn The Light On

Turn the Light On
S. Ambrose, 2024

He said
I can't see the light
But don't have enough fight
In me to look for it. 
Treading dark waters day after day
Has left me with nothing to pray.
Is there a switch hidden somewhere within a stitch of my being?
What's blocking me from seeing -
My lighthouse?

She said
I can't see my light
But others around me shine bright.
Whatever shades the rays of my soul
Keeps me trapped in a deep, dark hole.
I'm too exhausted to look for the light switch in my being.
What's blocking me from seeing-
My lighthouse?

They said
We can't see our light, 
Don't know what's wrong or right.
In a culture of love, I'm blind. 
Just feel confusion that doesn't align
With creation's creativity.
What's blocking my me from seeing-
My lighthouse?

Truth says
Maybe you aren't electricity
Bur rather your intricacies
Were fashioned by a God who said, 
"Let there be light,
 I'll take your fight."
To see it, you must believe
The light's already been turned on
By the lighthouse keeper.
This keeper of the flame
Won't leave you the same
If you just say his name.


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