Becoming I

 Becoming I

Am a romantic—willing to create
                              In favorable fate
With words that persuade
Others to live unafraid
A daydreamer, scribbling in the sky
Wordy wings learning  to fly

Give me a taste of creative insanity
That fulfills a wordsmith’s fantasy
                            Evoking memories
                               To last centuries
For my generation and yours
A rhyme that eternally endures

Glance at my favorite  pen
That time and time again
Sits next to an unused typewriter
                       Like a fearless fighter
While I text talk thoughts that spin
Hypnotized- falling out and in
A deep, poetic feet
Where passion and wisdom meet

Where are my words bound?
Perhaps my echo will soon sound
Between poetic lines, two by two
                                So much to Do!

Edit a previous version of me
                   To set my soul free
Chiseling life with my picked up pen
That holds my heart open again

Shelly Ambrose


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