Bright Light

 Happy Birthday, Bright Light

Sixteen weeks ago you found your relief
From a world that tried to hide your smile.
While I try to heal, I'm restless in grief,
I haven't sat still in quite awhile.
It's hard to process your sudden goodbye,
Closure feels stuck between a fairy tale and a lie.

Today your birthday has a heavenly theme!
I don't have a gift to top that,
Just a simple day dream
Of you smiling and wearing your favorite hat.
You deserve a glorious celebration,
With resounding applause and a standing ovation

For all you have endured
In your family tree.
The prayers you spoke were heard,
God finally set you free
From generational pain
At the hands of the insane.

Your blood line may be rotten,
But you maintained the peace.
You'll never be forgotten,
You have given so many a piece
From your heart and have touched so many lives.
We'll meet again when my homecoming arrives.

Your soul made life merry and bright!
May the next sunrise or shooting star
Remind us to never lose our light.
Your love is more near than far.
Today- as all your wishes come true,
All things have been made new.

S. Ambrose, 2022


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