
Showing posts from 2023

You Did It

To the Graduating Class,  YOU DID IT! You passed reading, writing, and vocabulary. I know sometimes the next chapter seems scary,  But it's time to go, your page has turned. The world is waiting to see all you've learned. Before you say goodbye and go on your way,  I have some things that I need to say. Thank you- Thank you for sharing your creative spark,  For that, you hold a very special place in my heart.  Throughout the years your savviness showed up with grace. Together they embraced optimism to bring you to this place.  Behind them followed gratitude and grit,  They kept you going - determined- you never quit. Like someone with a heart of a lion,  You courageously never stopped striven. Listen to me closely, keep my words in mind,  So that you may never lose your soul shine. Your light will be attacked and it will try to dim But if you choose to DARE GREATLY, darkness won't ever win! Tough times will come, I promise you tough times wi...

Don't Be Afraid to Try Something New

Don't Be Afraid to Try Something New      For many years now I’ve had a second job; I’ve been teaching English as a second language. It’s a love hate relationship because in person the hours are long and online sometimes no one talks. I keep saying I’m not going to do it anymore, but tonight I just wrapped up a very special 5-week teaching adventure.      I’ve met amazing people on this teaching journey. I get to travel the world through their stories, connect with new cultures, and learn different languages. It’s a nontraditional type of teaching compared to the regular college classroom. You spend more time with each other than anyone else because of the unrealistic, required visa hours. In the time spent, global connections are made, and networks are expanded.      A few (very special) classes have included people who left their mark on my heart and engaged in real connection. I get to call them friends.      Most of my adu...

Sprouting Self Love

Sprouting Self Love I’ll hold space for you but forgive me If I outgrow you in our time apart, And no longer walk in a garden that breaks my heart, Questions my worth, or poisons my peace. I held sacred space for you Throughout all these years. I hid hurt and sadness among silent tears Where your silence spoke the loudest. There were many days I felt lost without you Until I looked into an honest mirror. It didn’t reflect my glow, only my fear. I knew my only option was to let you go. You made me live without you, so I did, And pulled out weeds that insecurity sown. Don’t wait for me to return home To fight for my place in your life. Time passed, hope broke new ground, Forgiveness is reliable, empathy undeniable, But now, I’m no longer available To walk this path with you. S. Ambrose, 2023


 Immortality My lines and my rhymes Written on journal pages Aren't brief stages of  Creative phases Page after page Allows you to see My poetic Soul's immortality S. Ambrose, 2023