Don't Be Afraid to Try Something New

Don't Be Afraid to Try Something New
    For many years now I’ve had a second job; I’ve been teaching English as a second language. It’s a love hate relationship because in person the hours are long and online sometimes no one talks. I keep saying I’m not going to do it anymore, but tonight I just wrapped up a very special 5-week teaching adventure.
    I’ve met amazing people on this teaching journey. I get to travel the world through their stories, connect with new cultures, and learn different languages. It’s a nontraditional type of teaching compared to the regular college classroom. You spend more time with each other than anyone else because of the unrealistic, required visa hours. In the time spent, global connections are made, and networks are expanded.
    A few (very special) classes have included people who left their mark on my heart and engaged in real connection. I get to call them friends.
    Most of my adult students have been from Brazil. Because of that, I started learning Portuguese and I pronounce everything wrong. I have a deep love for Brazilians and not just because the men are so much more beautiful inside and out than American men. It’s because the quality of souls I’ve met has inspired and sharpened my own soul. I have so many treasured memories and connections from saying YES to a second job I never wanted.
    It's so fascinating to me how God stacks things up in our lives to prepare our hearts and minds to fully enjoy and grow in our life journey.
    The day before I started my class, a guest came to my day job and talked about her experience leading camps oversees. She went on to talk about her most recent camp for Ukrainian, refugee teenagers. This camp created a safe place for kids to be kids in the midst of ALL that was happening to their country, to their parents, and to their quality of life. The camp was a place to start their healing process from the horrific things that they saw and experienced. Homes, families, hopes, and securities had been shattered into pieces. Sometimes we can be so far removed from situations that we don’t realize its impact; we don’t realize other’s brokenness. My heart and mind opened wide that day and they will never be the same again.
    When I logged on to class the next day, I expected to see Beautiful Brazilian smiles. Instead, resilient, hopeful Ukrainian students greeted me. I couldn’t believe it, I just kept thinking, “Wow, God – WOW- your timing!"
    During the course, writing activities led into vulnerability. One student wrote about how over 90% of her town was destroyed. Life as she once knew it was over. It isn’t always grammar and vocab that students need. I can’t imagine the choices that had to be made or what they had to leave behind, but I’ll be forever grateful we walked a path together for a moment.

S. Ambrose, 2023


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