You Didn't Say Goodbye

I Didn’t see you today
Or hear you say, "Baby girl,
I have a new song for you to play."
All I could do was curl
Up into a ball to sleep
Hoping in my dream we’d meet,
But your ghost didn’t make a peep
Or snuggle me under my sheet.

Saying goodbye would never be my choice.
I miss you, you hold my heart.
The ache of not hearing your voice
Tears me apart.

It hurts me that I can’t
Hear what you have to say.
I’d give anything to listen to you rant
About the daily news today.

You always put me in the best mood,
Helped me focus and made me feel.
We've shared so much gratitude,
I still don’t think this is real!

Thank you for being there for me,
Now you’re quiet, forever gone.
Is heaven like we imagined it to be?
Grief paralyzes me, I can’t move on.
S. Ambrose, 2022
For Josh (1977-2022)


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